If you want to know how to drive a golf ball far, you don't have to look beyond your own mirror. Don't blame your clubs. Don't blame your pro. Don't blame your golf ball. Or, the harrassing your golfing buddies give you on the tee. There's only one thing keeping you from hitting the ball far. Can you guess what it is? If I've eliminated the above there is only one thing left.
I know you don't want to hear that, but it's the ONLY thing left. I think you would agree your body swings the golf club right? If you don't agree, you might want to pick up ping pong.
If you do agree, then would you agree just like an engine on car, if the body (engine) is broken, the golfer (car) will not perform very well right? So what do you do to get the car running better? You FIX IT! Wouldn't that be the same in golf. Fix the engine and the swing gets better?
Why do so many golfers think there's a magic pill?
It's time to wake up and "get real" as Dr. Phil says. A body that is more limber. Stronger. And nourished is a body that will hit the golf ball far, given you know how to swing a golf club, which most of you do.
A body that is broken will have many inefficiencies, causing a lack of distance, dozens of mishits per round, and a much higher score at the end of each round.
So if you want to learn how to hit the golf ball far, you now know where to begin.
I know you don't want to hear that, but it's the ONLY thing left. I think you would agree your body swings the golf club right? If you don't agree, you might want to pick up ping pong.
If you do agree, then would you agree just like an engine on car, if the body (engine) is broken, the golfer (car) will not perform very well right? So what do you do to get the car running better? You FIX IT! Wouldn't that be the same in golf. Fix the engine and the swing gets better?
Why do so many golfers think there's a magic pill?
It's time to wake up and "get real" as Dr. Phil says. A body that is more limber. Stronger. And nourished is a body that will hit the golf ball far, given you know how to swing a golf club, which most of you do.
A body that is broken will have many inefficiencies, causing a lack of distance, dozens of mishits per round, and a much higher score at the end of each round.
So if you want to learn how to hit the golf ball far, you now know where to begin.