
Key golf swing skills

Golf Swing Backswing
1. Move your body, arms and club as one unit while shifting your body weight to the inside of your back leg. Keep your back leg knee slightly bent and in the same position as you shift your weight back.
2. As you rotate back and your hands approach waist level, hinge your wrists.
3. Keep a straight (but not stiff) left Ping K15 Driver arm as you rotate back.
4. At the top of your backswing, your club face should be square to your forearm, your shoulders should be turned about ninety degrees, your hips should be turned thirty to forty-five degrees and your elbows should be level.
5. Finally, at the top of your backswing, check that your club shaft is parallel to your target line.
Golf Swing Downswing
1. Once you are at the top of your backswing, your first movement of your golf swing downswing is to shift your body weight toward your front leg.
2. Once you have shifted your weight to your front leg, the rest of your body follows closely behind – hips, upper body, and club – through ball impact.
3. Immediately after ball TaylorMade R7 CGB Max Driver impact, “release” the golf club by unhinging your wrists and turn your body through the golf shot toward your target.  Extend your club and arms down your target line toward your target.
4. Rotate through to the finish position until your belt buckle faces your target.
5. When you have completed your golf swing, check that the majority of your body weight is on your front leg with your back foot up on its toes.
Golf Swing Setup
1. Get into an athletic, balanced position.
2. Have your body weight in the middle of your feet.
3. Tilt upper body from the hips about thirty degrees.
4. Bend your knees slightly
5. Keep a straight back and lift your chin off your chest.
6. Simply let your arms hang loosely.
We have compiled instant key golf swing Callaway 09 X-Forged Irons tips to help get you ready for the coming golf season.  Practice or simulate these golf swing tips in practice at home or on the range to help accelerate your development.

